The soul whispers may increase now. The drive, urge or desire to seek and find more. Not the material stuff. Your soul wants to do more to express itself.
The soul is not separate from you. It’s not worried much about the physical material. It’s concerned more with what’s in your heart and in your energy.
The soul is the part of you that is Light. The part of you that would like you to not only remember soul love, but to express it.
Soul love is different than what we, as humans, think of as unconditional love. Soul love is unconditional, and so much more.
The soul also whispers a gentle reminder of your expansiveness. It speaks of a connection that most of us have forgotten. A connection so deep it completes you. It is not of the physical world, but is in the physical world because it is within you.
The soul whispers to you so you don’t forget you have one. You carry the Light wherever you go – through whatever you experience. Your soul – you Light – never leaves you…ever.
The energy coming through now is supporting these soul whispers. What moves you into a place of expansiveness? What is your passion? It’s time – if you’ve not yet started – to explore and discover your passion.
Tap into your soul Light and let is shine through.
By Jan Toomer
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