~ Expansiveness ~

This past week, I noticed there had been a rather large jump energetically speaking. It felt like, to me, that something had been removed from my shoulders – a weight that I hadn’t realized had been there – and I couldn’t even tell you what it was about.

This made everything around me feel lighter, as well as having a pleasant, calming and loving sense of well being. While I’m enjoying this feeling, curiosity had me asking my team about it.

They shared that not only had this been another energy boost to help us unplug from our past, but we’d also had another mass awakening, so it had shifted the Earth’s energy…making it lighter.

This latest massive energy boost (download, shift or whatever term you use), is also to aid us in remembering. To help us to remember:

  • That we are powerful beings.
  • That we are our own creators of our individual reality.
  • That no one has control over us unless we allow it.
  • That the physical experience on Earth is an illusion.
  • That all barriers put on Earth to limit us are no more. We just need to release our own personal beliefs of those barriers and no longer support them.
  • That reincarnation, part of the Earth illusion trap, is no longer required. We can go home instead.
  • Who we really are – and that we’re not originally from Earth.
  • To look to the skies and see our families showing themselves more and more to help us to remember.
  • That we have our true families waiting for us to leave Earth.

This expansiveness that we are encouraged to partake of from here on out is more natural to us – our natural state – than how we’ve been experiencing Earth. We are being asked to open our arms to embrace our real self as we shift more to our true self – our true state.

I wish us each a beautiful, peaceful and happy expansion.

By Jan Toomer


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