The first part of this series is the video that started it all. This video is currently at 77,797 views on Tiktok with well over 1,000+ comments.
Following this video is the written portion of the follow-ups on this video, addressing a questions/topics that viewers asked. If you’d rather go over to YouTube, there are currently 2 of 5 follow-up videos are already up. Follow-up vids are posted one a week.
Here’s the original video:
The follow-up videos mostly follow the text below (with some possible ad libbing in the videos — but these were the notes I tried to follow).
Follow-Up for Main Greatest Show On Earth Video
Let’s start with the call that went out for volunteers.
The path humans were headed towards was of concern to other beings. Since direct interference is not allowed (there are a few exceptions), they requested volunteers to be born human and work from the inside. The call when out to thousands if not more.
Many beings said no. Earth is one of the hardest planets to be on – and they wanted no part of the heavy denseness.
Volunteers were needed to help humans and the planet ascend. Volunteers were needed for bringing their higher vibrations here to uplift Earth’s energy.
Volunteers were also needed for anchoring this higher energy to Earth.
Some were needed to help guide other humans on their energetic or spiritual evolution journey…teachers of all kinds.
Some volunteers came to just be themselves…their energy alone aids others.
Why did those who agreed to come, agree?
On a larger level, we are all one; just individual expressions of one or Source.
On a smaller scale, we are all connected, and if Earth becomes overrun with negativity, it impacts beings everywhere and elsewhen.
If a human or humans destroy Earth, the impact resonating throughout all creation, everywhere, will be devastating.
Did you know that Earth is unique? This is one of the hardest planetary schools – and offers a variety of tactile experiences.
Did you know there is a waiting list to come here? This current spiritual evolutionary revolution has everyone viewing and invested in the outcome. The Greatest Show on Earth.
One question asked me is why did I come even though I didn’t want to?
Because it wasn’t about me. It was about helping a planet and its inhabitants. It was, and is, about helping all of us, everywhere, on and off Earth.
Those of us that answered the call to come here and help are deeply respected by other off world beings. Why? Because of the difficulty level of being on Earth. We were the ones brave enough to incarnate here to help. To come here through these turbulent times. We went through special training to survive in a lower frequency atmosphere.
So now let’s take a look at the “regulars” and “specialists” on Earth.
Regulars are those who Earth is their preferred planet and return regularly.
Specialists – of which I am, as are probably most, if not all, of you – are beings who come down (answering a call) during major growth times for humans and Earth. We are the energetic support teams. We do not reincarnate regularly here, on Earth.
I don’t care how much training we had to come here – it can be a shock and difficult.
It can be difficult because we are NOT used to the level of violence and other negative behaviors and energies. It is very disharmonious to us – and some people struggle to regain harmony while here.
One complaint I’ve heard a lot is that some specialists can’t feel comfy being here and/or don’t feel like they belong.
I don’t think we are meant to feel like we belong or to fit in. Why?
Think about it…by being comfy and/or fitting in, we will be still. We won’t move into why we came here. We are, by feeling like a misfit, prompted to focus more on our own selves; our energy, beliefs and job. We are not here to conform to the standardized societal numbing “norm”. Okay, that may have been a bit harsh, but I think you get the picture.
I can offer this:
By accepting self – all of self – even the weird aspects, it may ease the chafing of being here. It also may help with:
- Learning not to rely on others to validate you.
- Accepting responsibility of self.
- Enacting, maybe on a subconscious level, on what you volunteered to came here to do.
Like me, initially, many of us got here and almost immediately regretted it. Yeah, it’s a more harsh environment than we normally vibrate in; but that’s why we are here…to energetically share our vibration or frequency and show others that they can reach for that same vibration or frequency as well. We can only offer. We, or rather our energy, is contagious to others who are receptive. We just need to be ourselves.
How Can We Get Out of the Funk of Not Wanting to Be Here?
Hopefully understanding that your presence here is important to all will take care of that. If not, let’s go on.
Changing Perspectives or attitudes of being here can help. When the realization that I am a human hit me, it totally changed my perspective. For me, having the whole “those humans” attitude made me part of the problem. I didn’t come here to be part of the problem, and neither did you.
Other ways to change perspective may be:
- Gratitude. Find three things a day that you are grateful for – even if it’s gratitude that a butterfly flew by or seeing a pretty flower.
- Make yourself seek out the positive aspects of Earth. Seek out the beauty, both visually (a pretty bird) and energetically (that woman has a kind smile – or has compassion in her energy).
- Fake it until you make it. Smiling. Smiling shifts your energy. Laughter. Laughter, genuine laughter (not mean laughter) raises your energy.
- Meditating. Finding peace, solace and perhaps guidance while meditating. I have trouble sitting and meditating – my mind goes, “We could be doing this or that instead of sitting here). I do what’s called walking meditations. For example: I usually meditate when doing mundane things, like washing dishes, vacuuming or mopping, getting showered and dressed.
You and I came here to be the change. Your energy; your beingness is powerful. Own it. Accept responsibility for it.
When you get in the right headspace, your energy follows.
Remember, you and your energy are contagious. Discontent, hopelessness, grief or being here? Then that’s what you are spreading.
One Comment – in Part – Stated That They Felt Like a Failure
Please do not ever feel that way. One way of doing what you came here to do is to just be yourself. Your energy; your soul; your higher self – can work through your energy field to help others and you may never ever consciously know what you’re doing.
You may feel like you’re doing nothing; just wasting your time here and nothing could be farther from the truth.
You may not see the air (though here in the Southwest we quite often can see the air colored by dust), but it’s there and does its thing. If it’s clean air, it affects your body in a positive manner. If it’s dirty or polluted air, it affects your body in a negative way.
Same thing with your attitude, thus your energy. Just because you’re not consciously aware of what you’re doing doesn’t mean you’re not doing anything.
This is why I keep emphasizing: Just be yourself – your true, authentic self.
If you still feel like you’re searching after trying all that we just discussed, then perhaps you need to find your passion.
What makes your soul sing? What do you do that makes time seem to stand still or just disappear? Whether it’s singing, music, art, writing, etc. – when you do it, you tap into Source and create. Your energy becomes part of your creation. That creation can then go out in the world (if you release it) and share that energy you placed within that creation.
I spent three years searching for my passion only to discover I’d been doing it most of my life…just being me and doing the stuff that makes me happy – and as a side bonus, it (hopefully) helps others.
So, I think that’s it, except to thank each and every one of you for being here. Not just on the Live, but here on Earth. You are important and very much needed here and now, otherwise you wouldn’t have come. Thank you each for being you. You and your work – whether you are consciously aware of it or not – is much appreciated.
Blessings to each of you. And thank you so much for being on Earth.
Jan Toomer
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