I’ve heard from many that the energies we’ve been soaking in for at least three weeks has been challenging – mentally, physically and spiritually.

Yes. Yes it has. My hand is up as well.

We’re tired. We feel drained and worn out. Some feel done.

I get it.

And I want to say, “Good job! Keep going! We can do it!”

Someone asked what our Teams had to say about what we’re going through.

First, the amount of gratitude from our Teams brings tears to my eyes. They bow in respect and appreciation. They understand we have dedicated ourselves to being here at this tumultuous time in human evolution – as well as Mother Earth’s evolution.

They also know that we are not used to, or even often uncomfortable in, the heavier energies of Earth’s third, fourth and fifth dimensions.

A Gentle Reminder

We did volunteer to be on this delightful and sometimes seemingly unforgiving place and “time”. We came to accomplish so much, only some of which is:

  • To clear and rebalance any imbalances we had left from this lifetime and all lifetimes we’ve had here and elsewhere.
  • To clear our family lines, blood lines, ancestral lines.
  • To bring, and hold, higher energy frequencies to the third and fourth dimensions to aid those ready to work on releasing their past; work on their family lines; and to raise their own energy frequency.
  • To add and hold higher frequency for Mother Earth as she releases the third dimension to move to fourth and then fifth dimensions.

New Operating System

And we are in the last days (years? centuries?) of this planet’s third dimension existence.

Think of it like a long running computer operating system. This program is no longer receiving updates or technical support. We are working on moving everything over to a new operating system.

There will be some who will hang on to the old operating system, perhaps until it crashes. Free will.

Our Heavy Loads

Our Teams, loved ones and everyone else supporting and cheering for us on the Other Side are able to see a bigger picture than most of us in the physical. This is why they support us, are grateful to us, and appreciate everything we go through and everything we do, even when we’re hurting, sore, tired, weary and sometimes just wanting to be done.

We sometimes carry some heavy loads, but we came here with faith that we could do it – for ourselves, others, and Mother Earth. But we don’t do it alone, ever. Please remember, our Teams, loved ones and so many more are with each of us – even if we can’t see or feel them…they walk beside and behind us.

So when you are tired, hurting, and worn out, perhaps you can take a moment, close your eyes, take a slow deep breath and feel the love, gratitude, appreciation and support from all who are with you – both physically and spiritually.

You never walk alone. Your existence, and you being you, is so very important in so many ways, and in many dimensions.

Thank you for all you have done, you will do and for volunteering to be here. You are very much appreciated.

By Jan Toomer


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