I’ve heard from people about having ishcombibbled, or extremely heightened senses: smell, hearing, taste, and/or tactile or touch.

Thankfully for me – and hopefully others – I’ve been experiencing one heightened sense at a time.

It first went wonky – an almost disoriented sensation. I questioned if I really heard ___________ (for example); doubting because I was a bit off.

Then it moved to super sensitive hearing…more centered and no doubt of what I was hearing.

I am currently going through heightened sense of smell. For me, it’s either really good, or really bad.

Good smells are the mostly natural smells.

Bad smells are the chemical smells, including any fumes and perfumes. Yes, those smells bothered me before, but right now my discomfort includes the smells inducing severe nausea.

These should even out as we each begin to adjust to the new degree of the recently updated sense.

What Can Cause This?

Purging, removing toxins, beginning to honor your body, and a bump up in your energy frequency – also known as a Metaphysical Growth Spurt (MGS). Can read more on MGS here.

If you get overwhelmed, I recommend slow deep breaths (through your mouth if you are experiencing a heightened sense of smell) – and meditating may help.

Also, if you are able to squeeze in a bit of quiet time, this may help (no radio, tv, talking, etc.).

by Jan Toomer


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