Energy is everything and everything is energy.

One should understand a bit about this to explore “energy” as how the word is used here metaphysically or spiritually in an energetic sense.

Simplified, everything on Earth is a physical manifestation of energy. It’s earthly solidness depends on how much energy was put into it and how dense it was made. So, physical is a dense form of energy. Thoughts are less dense forms of energy. Both are energy, and you can’t get – on 3D Earth – something physical without first it being a thought.

A thought that keeps having energy put into it, especially with the intent of making it something physical, becomes more dense until it’s physical. This includes something like my, Jan’s, physical body, which had been fueled by enough energy intent to make a physical body.

Think about it. If we are ONE (just different expressions of energy from the Source or origination), and we are experiencing a physical reality – which is an illusion for us to have the different experiences – then my physical representation as Jan is an illusion. Jan is not real. I’m not real.

And I’ll leave it at that.

I Hope

I’ve kept this article short so you can mull it over. Let it sit and stew for a bit. Take it back out and look it over.

What does it mean to you? How does it fit in with what you know right now?

I hope it won’t be blindly accepted. I hope it won’t fit comfortably. And I hope it gives you a chance to take a closer look at what you each – as individual energy expressions of ONE – have created for your physical experience.

By Jan Toomer


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