One of the most commonly asked questions I hear from students goes along the line of: “How can I know that the information I ‘receive’ or ‘get’ is real and not just my imagination?”

Aside from medical and/or mental health issues, imagination is not a bad thing! Look “imagination” up in the dictionary.

We are pretty quick to trust the words of ‘specialists’ – someone we go to get assistance, or help, with a specific issue; yet, when it comes to trusting ourselves…well, we often don’t. We sometimes have to build that trust within ourselves.

(If the mental self-talk, thoughts, images, visions, etc. are self-demoralizing and/or with harmful intent to yourself or others, seek medical/mental health assistance.)

Trusting self may be a bit difficult for some and this is where practicing comes in. One method I often recommend is journaling.

I recommend to shield regularly (can find that exercise here); and that you keep a journal where you jot down the thoughts, ideas, visions, insights, etc. you receive and date them.

Should they manifest physically, you go back to your journal, enter that information and date it.

This method can help teach you to trust yourself; can teach you about your own symbolism; and can give you a time line of how far in advance you receive the information compared to when it physically manifested.

Don’t you think it’s about time to start trusting yourself?

by Jan Toomer


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