by Peter Perkins
This past Thursday the ARE group that I am part of had a speaker talk about crystals. I must admit I don’t know a lot about this field. I helped bring things in and got ready for the presentation. The woman who gave the talk on crystals was someone I knew from the ARE meetings and I had been to her house before. It’s really beautiful and crystals were everywhere.
At that time I had purchased a healing crystal which looked something like a short wand with two points, and was multifaceted. I cleansed it when I got home with it and let it soak up the sunlight. Still I didn’t know a lot about crystals and so it was more of a show piece for me then a tool.
Well the speech was good, with lots of crystals being handed out for people to get a feel for them and see the differences as well as colors and textures of the crystals. There were quite a few people at the presentation; including a new member who I had spoken with about the group when we listened to a presentation on Alchemy.
The woman who gave the talk on crystals asked me if I could see the energy from them and with effort I could but it was not something I could just see naturally.
She showed me one healing crystal and it had a wider more dispersed energy to it. Another she described as having a laser like pin point accuracy. I didn’t perceive this till later when she was working with someone.
Then it was as clear as day, I saw what she was talking about. I saw the energy and it was like she said, like a laser; straight and precise. I don’t know how to explain it other than things suddenly became clear.
Like the last ARE meeting the energy of the room and perhaps the crystals was causing me to become less and less grounded. Perhaps this was why I could perceive it clearly this time. I think though the fact the woman using it has such high energy herself that it helped make it more apparent.
While I do some energy work, and in a way we all do so unconsciously, I usually visualize the energies easily. Yet I wanted to try working with the crystal I had purchased.
I couldn’t see the energy but I could feel it. I could feel it in my hand as I moved the point of the crystal and the vibration in my hand followed where the crystal tip was pointed. I still don’t know fully what can be done with crystals but I now have a more full appreciation of them and realize they are tools that do work for people.
You learn something new everyday, and that’s a wonderful thing!
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