There are different types of mediums; we’ll take a look a mental mediums and spiritual mediums in this video.
Let’s talk about mediums today. Well. The first part of mediums – there’s a lot of different mediums. And there is even some variations into the definition of each one so I’m presenting mine. Take it for what it’s worth.
So today I want to go over mental mediums and spiritual mediums. Now, for me, all the mediumship that we’re going to be talking about, um, for me it includes evidentiary mediumship – which means I asked for evidence from whomever I’m speaking from so that I can give it to the person I’m sending it to; um, so evidentiary mediumship is getting stuff information that kind of proves to the person I’m talking to that I am speaking to deceased so and so.
All right, so mental mediumship is, um, where you get the information in your head, so maybe you might see them in a mind’s eye picture. Um, you might hear them through clear audience. So you’re going to get in your head? All right, and for me, I’m kind of a combo of all the mediumship that we’re going to talk about. Um. So I do combine the mental with the spiritual. The spiritual, again for me, is getting information, after I’ve covered the evidentiary aspect, getting information or a message from a loved one. To the client that is usually uh inspirational – so it can be, it can have truth and guidance and love and um compassion. Um, sometimes a “Yay, you!” cheering on “You’ve got this!”
So to me, that’s the spiritual mediumship.
I like, if the deceased being is is capable of doing this, I like to combine every aspect so that um, except – I have to correct myself – except trance mediumship, which we’ll get into later.
I um try to bring in as much information without trance, going into a trance, enough information that I can give a somewhat rounded message to the client. Now having said that, sometimes the message is, I describe what they look like. Maybe a name, if I got a name, which is not very often for me. And then a message. And the message may seem to be to me to be very bizarre or weird and I’m like “What?” and they’re like “Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah tell her, tell her,” and so I’ll say it and the client will bust out laughing. “Oh I know exactly who that is. That’s so and so and this is something that was going on between us when he was alive and it was a joke.” And so not only did she get the uplift, the laughter and the joy from what this being had said for me to tell her – but she also got evidentiary in it, too. She, she got a bit of the both. So she knew exactly who I was talking about; knew exactly what he was talking about; and busted out laughing so that to me combined the mental and spiritual and the evidentiary, which I incorporate in everything, mediumship.
Plain and simple Thanks.
by Jan Toomer
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