My story begins before I contacted Mirit. (I am providing an abbreviated version here.)

Last Tuesday, in the wee hours of the morning, I quit breathing – then started again. Then quit again, then started again… I couldn’t wake up fully to figure out what was happening. By around 4:20 am, I awoke to the sound of my lungs gurgling; I was having a major asthma attack, and was in trouble.

After treating my lungs, I realized I had bug bites on my face, ear, arm, knee and a grouping of four or five on my back. My body was buzzing with a major allergic reaction.

I stripped the bed and found an Assassin bug.

Later, I emailed Mirit – a medical intuitive – with a question about bug bites and any metaphysical connections to them.

Mirit set an appointment with me for Friday. I couldn’t wait – this would be my first experience with a medical intuitive!

I would like to share some of my experience here (it is an abbreviated version). Please be aware that this is MY interpretation of MY session with Mirit; I cannot tell you that my experience, or results, are what you will experience – we are each unique.

Mirit had explained that she will meditate, prior to our appointment, to get information/insights for that appointment.

The time had come; with pen in hand, I wrote as Mirit started our session.

Mirit began with the information she received about my physical body. She saw that the venom (from the Assassin bug) was traveling through my system in my bloodstream. This was creating problems with my heart (which I already knew, and had made an appointment with my naturopathy), and with my lungs.

Mirit provided some possible actions for me to take to help alleviate some of the imbalances.

She then went on to Archetype information for me (another first for me!).

The Assassin bug fit into both the Assassin and the Vampire archetypes.

For me and my experience:

Assassin aspect playing into what I call “Persecution Syndrome” (quite a few energy workers have this – where they have a fear that if they shine their Light too brightly, someone will try to put that Light out), hence the ‘assassination attempt’ by the Assassin bug.

The Vampire aspect (the Assassin bug sucking my blood) is based on me ‘inviting’ the vampire in – – meaning I invited in anyone who seemed to like me – stemming from my childhood need to be liked.

Can you see a pattern here? I created this these scenarios (though not consciously) through my actions and thoughts.

Mirit interpreted – and brought to my conscious mind – what I created so that, with her assistance, could correct this pattern.

Mirit wanted to address my asthma next. She explained that asthma is a protective method, and can be linked to overextended fight or flight.

She had me get into a relaxed state – and here comes the really cool stuff – we began exploring my asthma. (Please remember, this is an abbreviated version.)

She had me recall the memory of my asthma attack connected to the Assassin bug – and to feel it again. Next, she directed me to go to an earlier time where I had experienced those same sensations.

I had previously linked my asthma to a past life in a WWII concentration camp – so it was no surprise to me that that’s where I went next.

Mirit again directed me to go even earlier. I ‘saw’ myself in the ocean, drowning. (I didn’t have much detail, except that I felt I had fallen overboard or was pushed.)

Again, I was directed to go earlier. This time was Pompeii (or perhaps another village that had been in the path of an erupting volcano). In this lifetime, I ‘remembered’ thinking, “If I don’t breathe, it won’t hurt.”

Again further back.

(Continued…. Part Two) Part Two – the creation of the asthma…questions answered by Mirit….and more.

Thank you Mirit!

by Jan Toomer



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