Part One

Part Four
(Thursday Continued)
Session Five

Again, it appeared to finish quickly.

One design today created the visualization of fairy dust (now, I have never really seen fairy dust that I know of, but that’s what my mind came up with) – a sense of enchanting, mythical and playful.

My mind brought me from fairy dust, to an open field, followed by deep oceans and playing with dolphins – then back to land. I was then standing next to a pond, and by my left foot was a frog. I ‘heard’ someone gently tell me to see the frog, “Look at the frog. Remember the frog.” I had no idea what that meant.

Later that evening, I tried to connect (psychically) with a friend, and just about when the connection was made, I started coughing really hard. I ‘saw’ three beings standing between me and my friend, and was told, “No, not now. Concentrate on yourself – no reaching out yet.” And from far away, I heard my friend yell, “I am okay, Jan!” And then I sneezed.

I decided to try meditating. I hadn’t done that in over ten years, not because I didn’t want to – I couldn’t. Too much brain fog to try to get through and I couldn’t focus long enough to get into the meditative state.

I was easily able to enter the state now, and was asked to pull green. (Bring down green light into my body – this is where the frog came in before. Kermit the frog’s song about being green! My guides wanted me to pull in the green). The meditation was short, but awesome!


In the past, I would wake up each morning with a song for the day in my head. This song would play over and over all day long. I also had a tendency to count in my head when my mind wasn’t working on something. I used the counting to try to focus my thoughts.

I hadn’t had a song in my head, nor counted for two days. Today, after breakfast, I seem to be showing my creative side. I had combined a song WITH counting. I realized what was happening when I reached, “96 bottles of beer on the wall…” Ha!

Session Six

One design worked on pain, and for the first time in over ten years, the pain in my hips and legs was gone – in ten minutes or less!

After Session Six, Leesa and I were discussing Greece. It wasn’t until I came back to my hotel that I realized when I spoke of my trip to Greece, it was a clear memory. Let me say that again – it was a CLEAR memory! No struggling to grab and retrieve the memory – it wasn’t hazy – it was a pre-stroke clear memory! Yeah!

Session Seven

My husband had been doing the shopping (of any kind) for quite a while now. The fluorescent lights burned my eyes and skin; the people, noise, activity, etc. made my head hurt; I would have panic attacks, feel completely overwhelmed, and become really irritable. I would have asthma attacks from all the smells and stuff floating in the air; my nose and eyes would itch, burn and water. These symptoms would last for twenty-four hours or more following me going to a store – which usually meant the next day I was really grumpy, off-balanced feeling and groggy as well.

Really good feeling session this afternoon and it was time to put it to the test. I went on the hunt for a big store – and found one that had one-stop shopping; groceries and just about anything else.

I spent an hour walking every aisle, the length of the store, the garden center, and grocery store part – all while very hungry.

Not one headache (nor even a start of one). My eyes didn’t burn (though I wouldn’t know about my skin burning until a few hours later); no sensory overload, no panic attack, no irritability, no blood sugar crash; no allergy reactions (itchy eyes, nose), no asthma attack.

I bought some stuff to make a super salad – my celebratory dinner!

I went outside and called my husband and told him what I had just done. He was speechless at first, then very happy (and, I’m sure, relieved) for me.

I also realized that I was beginning to crave socializing, and a feeling of home calling me back.

The final test would be finished the next morning to see if I had any of the “hangover” feelings from the experience.

I went back to the hotel, made my salad and turned on the TV.

I finally put lights out at 10:30 pm. I was so exhilarated; I really didn’t want to sleep!

Part Five


Session Eight

One design brought three memories from childhood – starting with the newest one back to the later one. The later one was when I was old enough to sit in a high chair.

Later that morning, I realized that memories which contained unresolved/unanswered questions were surfacing – again with no attached emotions.

They came up, one large bubble at a time. The bubble would stop so I could observe what was in it – and when I finished contemplating its contents, it continued its upward path, and popped. No stress, no emotions; just a leisurely process.

(No “hangover” from yesterday).

Session Nine

I knew I was feeling so much better, because I had troubles – I thought – on relaxing. (Leesa assured me that I could think away – the procedure works on the brain and my thinking and excitement wasn’t going to interfere with that). I was restless and excited to be going home the next day. I wanted everyone to know what I had experienced! And was curious to see if all of this would work once I was back in my ‘natural habitat’ – ha!

And, was looking forward to living my re-newed life!


Session Ten

Went quickly – and my thoughts raced to returning home. I kept no personal notes for this day (though I provided some to Leesa and Dr. Haire).

I had met with Dr. Haire after my final session. He said that he was pleased with my progress and noted the changes on the paperwork the sessions provided – both with my feedback and the information from the computer as it monitored the changes.

I did tell Dr. Haire that words could not adequately describe the difference I felt from the time I entered The Heartsong Center (closed) to when I finished. And I meant it.

I didn’t want to talk long – not because he was a doctor (that fear was gone), but because I was so anxious to get my life re-started!

I also told Dr. Haire that I decided I have made myself their unofficial spokesperson! It really does work.

Home One Week

I have been home for well over a week. Dr. Haire and Leesa both said that the healing process would continue for about a month.

Unfortunately, I am busy with the hectic lifestyle and may have begun taking the changes for granted. I am still very much appreciating the changes, and am integrating them into my life effortlessly.

I go grocery shopping, and do other shopping, with no ill effects. I am no longer tired or worn out from being mentally over-stimulated (since the fog is no longer there).

I know some of you are asking “What about your abilities?” Over the past ten years, I had to go up and out to get the information I needed. This also meant I had to fight past the fog, and fight my way back down again.

I no longer have to ‘go’ anywhere. The information comes smoothly to me – and I have tested this repeatedly.

As for the fluorescent lights, yes, they still burn my skin. (It looks, and feels, like a sunburn). I also noticed that my animal allergies didn’t dissipate – so have gone back to the homeopathic treatments my naturopathy had me on – which seem to be working well.

As for the Brain State Conditioning ™ (this procedure is no longer available), I cannot say enough good stuff about it. It helped me, and continues to help me, so much. And the changes it made in me truly are beyond words (though I tried!).

Some people have questioned having this done. Some arguments have been that we all contain within us the ability to correct/change – for example – the effects of PTSD…especially if you are a metaphysician.

If I have a broken finger – I go get help. If I need stitches, I seek help. If my tire is flat, I get help.

I don’t feel I can fix everything, including some things within me. It does not mean I will ever stop trying…and I will continue to accept direction, assistance, help from others.

I begrudge no one for their beliefs. I, personally, will seek out assistance or help when I am stuck. In this case, I had asked for help for about eight years – and tried many things, including deep meditation, energy healing, etc. Nothing helped until the doctor spoke with me about BSC and the Heartsong Center (closed), and I went. It helped, and I am glad I did it.

Home Almost One Month

The differences continue to pleasantly, but ever so subtly, surprise me. Nothing has reverted or backslid. And the more I move forward, the more I realize how rough it had been; how much anxiety/tension my body/mind carried before doing B.S.C.; how much of life I had been missing….and how much life, energy and literally freedom I now have.

In one word or less? Awesome for me!

Update 2018

If I understand correctly: Brain State Technologies is now offering franchising for Brainwave Optimization. I have no idea if they still follow the procedures I had as described in this article.

by Jan Toomer


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