Not the 1960’s sexual revolution. Not free love. Not “love, honor and obey”. Not the hormonal rush of attraction.
Unconditional love.
This love is beyond the physical. It is a soul love.
Unconditional love allows every being the right to be themselves.
It does not mean, “be yourself…it’s okay to bully, maim, torture, enslave, or hurt me or others.”
No judgment, hate, anger, fear, etc. directed toward someone whose actions or words are out of harmony with yours.
Unconditional love can mean “you are who you are in your spiritual development. I may not like your actions or energy, but I allow you to be who you are. I do not, however, have to allow that energy into my life.”
Since we are all aspects of “One” – then, you are the other person.
Can you allow the other you the right to their experiences without taking their energy into your own experience?
Channeled by Jan Toomer
Next: Loss
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