News & Views from the Other Side

Q & A’s With the Other Side

Q. Home come some of the beings on the Other Side don’t have a sense of humor?

A. It’s not necessary for their beingness or their soul jobs. Being an energetic being only is different than being in a dense physical body. Those beings who were created for specific purposes, such as Arch Angels for those who have them in their belief systems, do not have a sense of humor. It serves no purpose for them.

But, as you may have noticed, there are those on the Other Side who do have a sense of humor, but it is never degrading, mean or harmful.

Q. You’ve (the Higher Selves, the Other Side, etc.) been providing us some great information, but there’s a lot of, “we recommend you do this,” or “we don’t recommend you do that.” What about being human? What about the fun stuff or the lighter side of being Lightworkers?

A. We understand the joys and hardships of being human. You all have volunteered to be human at this time to help others rise, if they wish to, from the third dimension and this is a difficult task, but doable.

We feel our services or guidance might be better served aiding humankind through the bumpier parts, the increased energy fluctuations and hardships. That being said, we do highly recommend to find and appreciate the joys of being human, such as laughter, companionships, and the natural beauty all around you.

You all have been doing a wonderful and courageous job, even if you don’t feel like you’re doing anything. You are. Please remember that.

Q. Why has it been so difficult lately to see beyond, or above the negative stuff happening?

A. With any project, the prep work is usually the most difficult. Going to college, all those hours learning and studying; the hard work it entails to get where you want to be.

The Lightworkers, etc. have been doing the prep work. You have been down in it, building and laying the new foundations for Mother Earth and humankind, so you may have troubles sometimes seeing the progress you’re making.

As for the “negative stuff happening”, like a child — or one’s own ego – doesn’t like change and will fight it, so too does the human race. Humans fear what they don’t know or understand, and unfortunately that part is being fueled by the negative aspects who do not want to lose control over humans in the 3D.

Added to that are those who are not adjusting to the energy increases and are losing themselves. They’ve become imbalanced and have any where from odd behavior to horrific behavior.

But the work you all are doing is very important, and is making headway even when you’re feeling nothing has changed for the better.

We can see it, and it is changing. Your prep work is having an affect. And when the prep work has been completed, and you’ve taken a bit of a breather, you’ll be able to see it on a bigger scale.

Please don’t stop, you are literally changing the world, and we are in gratitude for all you all have done and are doing.

Channeled by Jan Toomer


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