An accusatory finger pointed at me. “You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you?” Spit flew from her mouth as she continued, “Why didn’t you warn me? I might’ve been able to save him!”

Her anger slammed into me followed by unrelenting waves of anguish.

This type of scenario has happened a few times over the years.

I’ve No Magic Binoculars

I don’t have magic binoculars to show me the future. I have been known to have occasional premonitions, some precognition and far-seeing.

I feel all three of these abilities are related, or perhaps just different branches of the same energy tree. I believe that an ability, or abilities, must be refined and used to become efficient. These three are not my primary interests nor my strongest abilities. I never worked to expand and strengthen them. Why? Possibly because of the weight of seeing something I may not want to know, such as seeing the upcoming death of a loved one.

The following are how I defined and experience these abilities.

Premonition – having a gut feeling about something, but may not have details.

I might know that something exciting is going to be in today’s mail, but not know what it is. Or, I may know that I shouldn’t drive to town today, but again, not knowing why…just a bad feeling.

Precognition – knowing something beforehand, with details.

For me, my precog appears to be random. One example: on my second visit to a new doctor, I looked down at his sandaled feet and knew he was going to die very soon. I also knew that he knew this and he hadn’t told anyone.

Yet I get nothing from a friend.

Far-Seeing – (also known as Probability ability) – foreseeing the most likely outcome based on the current energy patterns; seeing farther in past or future.

I may use this when working with clients who present a situation they’ve experienced or have a question on a direction they are considering. I can see the most likely outcome as of that moment.

Living My Life

I do not actively seek information on others – all day, every day. I’m busy living my life. I don’t see, feel, or know everything beforehand and I don’t hide information I may receive. Though, sometimes I hesitate, gauging how best to present the information.

I was once told that I was selfish for not fine tuning these particular abilities. Many years ago, I took a Police Sciences course. I enjoyed it, but don’t utilize what I’d learned from it. It’s wasn’t my passion nor where my strengths lie.

For me and my work, I don’t feel precognition is where my time and energy are best spent. I know that anything that needs to come through me to aid another, will come through how it needs to.

No magic binoculars needed.

By Jan Toomer


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