The last solar storm packed quite a punch. I’m pretty sure no one escaped what it came here to do… to help us release any:

  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Fear
  • Shame
  • Guilt
  • Frustration
  • Shame
  • …and More

We all have that small part of self that we’ve kept hidden in the darkest regions of our being.

That can’t be hidden anymore. We’re all here, now, to clear up those energies that are no longer needed, no longer supported, and that are begging – or demanding – to be cleared.

This past week’s solar storm stirred all that up from the depths of our being to aid us in releasing.

For me it was lack of sleep coupled with frustration – and a lot of it – for and with money-only oriented services and big corps whose only goal is the money and don’t really care about the “service” part. And for me, the longer I go without sleep, the less the (rather flimsy and sometimes awol) filters fail and I let loose.

I let loose.

My experience this week – albeit by itself was just worthy of an eye roll and working to get everyone on the same page – ended up being a powerful tool to dredge my collection of pushed down annoyances and frustrations from this lifetime (and possibly others) that were shoved in various places throughout my being. Whew.

For the following twenty-four hours after it came out, I literally felt bruised and battered throughout my whole body. And I was exhausted.


I’m a fan of saying, “But wait! There’s more!” We’ve learned from commercials that it only means “more piled on”…so here we go!

Most everyone has masks.

  • Mom/Dad Mask
  • Sibling Mask
  • Parent Mask
  • Friend Mask
  • Best Friend Mask
  • Boss Mask
  • Employee Mask
  • Co-worker Mask
  • Customer Mask
  • Online Presence Mask

So many masks.

No more hiding, even behind your own masks. You’re being asked to become ONE. No masks. Just being all you, all the time.

How can you gently blend all of your masks into one true self? Perhaps one way may be by being your true self – just sharing in varying degrees dependent on level of closeness and appropriateness of the person, people, situation. But being true self – no roles, no personas.

Over twenty years ago, I decided to quit playing roles to fit the version of “Jan” that each person thought I should be. No more.

My husband once commented that I was “sometimes honest to the point of being brutally honest”. I also don’t lie. This is why I tell people, “Don’t ask me questions you may not want to hear my answer to.” I may not tell the whole truth (because it may not be any of your business), but what I say will be truth.

I’ve (hopefully) gotten a bit softer on the edges, but continue to speak my truth. And my truth doesn’t mean it has to be your truth.

It’s time to be your true self, and be true to self.

The Work Continues…Or Not

For those who’ve been working on clearing, healing and releasing, and who’ve been adjusting to the energy shifts or downloads, these new frequencies that came in with the solar storm will aid in working loose any stuck energies within you so they can be released. Keep up the good work!

For those who are fighting their own purging; who want to remain anchored to the heavier energies; who refuse to adjust to the newer energies; or even those who wish to remain hidden in the dark, may not fare so well. Bizarre behaviors; speaking and/or making no sense; or even breakdowns will continue and increase in intensity.

We are all being asked to breathe in the Light and Light frequencies to release and lighten our energy.

By Jan Toomer


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