by Jan Toomer
I know we are usually our own worst critic…our ego-voice* working to undermine our forward movement and growth.
And, just when I thought I and my ego-voice had come to terms, I allowed myself to become blindsided.
I’ve not written much lately – like you all, I too have been working on self – as well as making observations and changes.
One thing had been concerning me though…I felt like I had lost patience with others, and questioned this over and over these last few weeks.
Then, over the last two weeks or so, I have had some people thank me for my patience.
I was surprised – I honestly thought I had lost patience with people.
Turns out I had lost patience with self; ego-voice side-swiped me and I allowed it.
Some of us (hand raised here) set our own – for person use only – self-imposed “perfection bar” just out of reach.
I lost patience with self because I still hadn’t reached the bar I had set way too high for myself – way to high to ever achieve/reach.
And this was nothing more than an ego-driven illusion.
So I now remind myself that I too can afford myself the right to grow and “be” without any more self-imposed illusion of that “perfection bar” distracting me.
And have returned having patience with myself, and trust that my higher self and soul know what they are doing on my continued journey of self-growth.
*ego-voice = the naysayer within; self-depreciating talk; the part of you that works against change.
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