Labels are tricky things. They help us communicate and provide an approximation of what we’re talking about with another person or people. Why do I say approximation? Because we each, individually, take labels first as the broad generally accepted definition and then assign them a more personal definition based on our own experiences. That means my complete definition of a particular label may mean something slightly different than yours.

For example: Family. Family can be defined as a unit consisting of parent(s) and child(ren); those who share blood ties or a legal bond.

But your individual definition goes so much deeper. It includes your history with your relationships, or lack there of, with parents and/or siblings and can consist of unhappy memories (energies) and happy memories (energies). It may have been a balanced or dysfunctional group which helped shape your future and future relationships.

So when someone shares an anecdote about their family, the energy and definition for that speaker is different than yours.

Our Tribe

So let’s talk about our tribe.

Yeah, I’m sure you’ve heard a lot about finding your tribe – but have you found your tribe? You probably have had a tribe for years, but maybe never quite thought about it in detail.

A tribe is a social group consisting of a family or community joined together. They can come together for blood ties, religious beliefs, spiritual beliefs, etc. and may or may not have a leader.

But it’s so much more. To me, it’s family members, friends and acquaintances with shared or similar interests that chose to come together. In other words, people I chose to be in my life, a family I chose for this portion of my life, and not a family I was provided…though, remember, one can have familial relations in their tribe.

Why Are We Discussing Tribes?

It all boils down to energy and the energies around us today and tomorrow.

By now, you’re probably well-versed in riding the energy waves we’ve all been experiencing over the years. And, I’m pretty sure, by now, you’ve probably built or joined a tribe or two, or are currently contemplating it.

Remember I said, “…it’s so much more”? Our tribe is our support system. They are the one’s who may relate the most with what we are currently going through or doing.

In a way, if you read these articles regularly, you are part of an international online (albeit unseen) tribe who resonates with, gets support from, and perhaps gains new perspectives from words and experiences shared within this blog.

You may also have a tribe who has had similar past experiences and are working through them in a temporary or long term support group for something like alcoholism, abused spouses, etc. Or may be you joined a spiritual or metaphysical group to share with one another so you don’t feel so isolated in what you’re experiencing.

You may also have another tribe for your hobbies or interests, such as gardening, bird watching, quilting, hiking, cycling, and the list goes on.

As humans, we have a drive to feel as though we belong, or fit, somewhere with others. And it’s okay to have more than one tribe…these may change and grow with you, or you may find new ones as you change and grow.

We are in need of having a tribe as the energies push us to release, grow and expand as humans who have never gone through these energies and changes on Earth before. We need support, understanding, and a connection to others.

Who is your tribe, and for what kind of support or kinship?

By Jan Toomer


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