Themes, for me, are when two or more people bring up the same topic in a short time – usually within a week. That is when I get the nudge to share it here.

The one that came over the last two weeks is the theme of perfection.

Perfection Theme

We are often very quick to acknowledge and forgive others’ imperfections – but man, we are harsh on ourselves for our own imperfections. And by harsh, I mean we chastise, belittle, demean or even secretly loathe our own lack of perfection.

Why are we like this?

There are numerous reasons, some which may include feelings of having to prove yourself “worthy” (but that’s for you and a counselor to work out). I’m going to address the one reason that began before we even came into the body our soul currently occupies.

We lived in and knew perfection. We also had balance and harmony.

Then we came to the planet of duality, also known as the Hard School of Knocks as well as third dimensional Earth. This is where we learn about duality, imbalances and disharmony. And here is where we learn to find balance and harmony again. We also came here to learn overall tolerance, patience, forgiveness and grace.

We did not come to Earth to find perfection. We didn’t come to Earth to be perfect. We were perfect and we knew perfection. We came here to be messy and imperfect. We came here to learn tolerance, patience, forgiveness and grace with and for self.

One way to begin this process could be to start retraining yourself. If you pay attention to your own negative self talk, stop and re-do. For example: when you feel that sinking energy or feeling of berating your own imperfection, stop yourself and switch to gratitude. “Thank you for a wonderful _____ (body that supports me, my mind, life, spouse, children, family, house, etc.).”

By checking yourself, and moving into gratitude (even if the gratitude statement isn’t connected to the initial negative self-talk), you can alter your energy and reprogram it by bringing a positive self discussion. With continued practice you can retrain yourself to stop the negative self-talk and replace with it positivity.

This can lead to tolerance, patience, forgiveness and grace of, and to, self. Then this can spill over to tolerance, patience, forgiveness and grace towards others.

By Jan Toomer


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