One group meeting message shared was, “You are all changing.”

This was following the last shift that had moved through. The shift (or download) not only shook some much needed-to-be-removed gunk to the surface to be released – but it also brought in some really beautiful new energy.

Another part of the message was that we are all going to begin to become who we truly are (individually).

It is exciting and perhaps a bit unnerving…especially since many have no clear mental image of who they really are.

It means our individual journey’s will take on a new timbre. Yes, the quality of the tonal sounds of your life is preparing to change.

It will probably be gradual – giving us time to adapt – but that is all I can say about how it will affect others.

Some of My Changes

For me, personally, I’ve noticed my desire to no longer play the duality game.

I’ve always understood that – while in third dimension reality – participation in dualities and opposites were needed for many to help learn and grow – to learn the differences between light and differing degrees of absence of light.

But, just like I did with setting up boundaries before (am still working on a few) – for not playing the drama games, the blame games, the manipulation games, or being drawn into them – I was just done. I didn’t (and don’t) want that kind of energy in my life anymore.

Now I don’t feel like playing the duality game anymore. I am drawn to the removal of positive vs negative, light vs dark, and the illusions tied to those creations.


The child candidate in the movie, “The Matrix”, tells Neo – while sharing the secret of spoon bending -“There is no spoon.”

It is all an illusion.


  • Everything is energy
  • Energy is neutral. It is neutral until someone assigns what they want it to be

So our thoughts and/or beliefs, and the energy we use to hold and keep them in place – are what perpetuates the illusion of the positive/negative or dark/light.

It is our beliefs, and our emotions feeding those beliefs, that are holding the illusions alive and in our reality.

And for what?

The illusion of wealth or money?

The illusion of control, or dominion, over others?

Please Don’t Feed the Duality

A neat lady shared the following quote online, and I thought it fit perfectly with this article:

“Our thoughts are our own creation. We make them real by cooperating with them. If we withdraw our support, they will dissolve. Observe the thoughts closely, without labeling them. Then you will see them gradually going away.” ~ Amma

We are working hard to remove our energies from the third dimension reality…so why do we need to keep feeding the duality?

We don’t.

And yes, it can be that simple. Can’t it?

The illusions needs us to keep them going. If they no longer receive the energy to keep going, they will fade away.

I now begin my first step in releasing those illusions…how about you?

by Jan Toomer


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