When I started my first job at a business I was still in high school. I was hired part time at a small local chocolate factory. One of the perks of the job was the employees could eat as much chocolate as they wanted. All the employees had to do was pick their candy, set it aside, then eat in in the break room during their break. Whoa-boy! I love chocolate!

On my first day, after the tour of the factory, I was assigned a mentor for the day. As we stirred the large vat of chocolate, I asked, “How is everyone so skinny here if everyone gets to eat as much as they want?”

She smiled. “Oh, it’s easy. You’ll see.”

That week I learned about the different candy making stations. Of course, I set aside different candies to try at break.

The following week I was assigned the job of cellophane wrapping and sealing the full candy boxes. I strolled around at break time collecting candies.

At the end of the second week, my name was called over the loudspeaker, with instructions to go to the break room. When I opened the break room door, I saw the room was crowded. As I stepped into the room, everyone started clapping and cheering. My co-workers directed me to a table and asked that I sit.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“You’ll see,” one woman answered while another one giggled.

I was handed one of our big candy packing boxes. It was about 12”x10” and 4” deep. And the box was heavy. I looked up at the faces around me. Their eyes twinkled and I could feel their excitement.

One woman spoke, “You’ve made it two weeks, Jan. You’re no longer on probation; you are a regular part time employee. Congratulations!” She motioned to the box and nodded.

I opened the box and found it packed full of all of my favorite chocolates. I looked back at the woman, “Chocolates? A lot of chocolates?”

“Yep. We took note of what your favorites were and filled the box with those. It’s your job to eat as many as you can in twenty minutes.” The cheering resumed.

Yes, please! I was game!

Twenty minutes later I was on the cusp of my stomach wanting to send the chocolates back. I stopped before I got sick. And then I understood. That’s how everyone stayed so thin! We each had so much in our faces, we no longer wanted any more.

~ ~ ~ ~

We have experienced so much this year. Worry, fear, anger, uncertainty, loss, covid-19, etc. And some states are still experiencing being held captive by their governors. We’ve had some pretty heavy stuff exposed and have experienced varying degrees of intensity of civil unrest.

Some people have struggled emotionally, physically and monetarily.

We’ve also been challenged to find new ways of connecting. Shoot, thanks to a friend, I even learned how to use Zoom. We also had to find inner peace; release more of our past; and explored and worked on healing our energetic selves.

Some of those hurt by destructive relationships have emotionally – and some cases, physically – fought their way out of that environment so they can move forward and bloom once again…becoming the beautiful souls they were created to be.

Many of us feel like we’ve had 2020 so much in our faces that we are no longer excited, or hopeful, and that’s sad.

Please Remember

We came to work in duality, which really showed up in 2020, and will continue on in 2021. Our self-work and work as the human race isn’t done. But remember:

We chose to be here at this time on Earth to help humanity in its growth.

The negativity that hid in the dark is being brought into the light – exposed – so it can be dealt with, healed and released.

Each lightworker’s (energy worker’s, etc.) being and energy is very much needed here and now.

This is probably the your last 3D life, so make it worth it. Be responsible and yet don’t take everything so serious.

We came from perfection. We’re here to experience messy.

It isn’t enough to “make it through” an experience. It’s about how you react and your emotions that count. Your choice: victim or empowered.

At the end of this month and year, we will be receiving massive energy boosts to help us on our journey.

~ ~ ~ ~

This is the last article for 2020 – and what a year it’s been, eh? I’ll be taking a one or two month break from writing articles. I have a few projects lined up and look forward to completing them.

I wish you all a wonderful Holiday Season and joyous New Year celebration. May we all rekindle our passion and drive, stand for our rights, and continue helping one another.

‘Til we “chat” again.


Getting To Know You

Share Your Key

By Jan Toomer


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