by Jan Toomer | Oct 30, 2022 | Jan Toomer's Articles
I stood at the sink washing dishes when I had quick flashes of being elsewhere and elsewhen. These flashes showed me, what looked like rapid video clips, in different lifetimes, starting with me being an Asian Martial Artist, practicing. Then a snapshot of this...
by Jan Toomer | May 16, 2022 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We’ve touched on, over the years, about being able to start tapping into one’s own past and future lifetime’s abilities. Let’s take a bit closer look at that. Because of where we are now (energetically and/or spiritually), we are experiencing the energetic merging of...
by Jan Toomer | Mar 7, 2022 | Jan Toomer's Articles, Movie Reviews
I’ve never reviewed a movie before, but one movie kind of blew me away.* We, the human race, are still working on healing and releasing our pasts. So what does that have to do with a movie? Especially since this movie is a family musical cartoon. This movie, Encanto,...
by Jan Toomer | Jul 25, 2021 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We are in some unusual times and having never-experienced-in-our-lifetime happenings. Once such thing is the shortage of people to work in restaurants, stores, hospitals, clinics, and just about any business of service. One side affect to these employment shortages...
by Jan Toomer | Jun 7, 2021 | Metaphysical Book Reviews
Re-Writing My Future: A Stroke In Time REVIEW BY Janet Mawdesley June 7, 2021, 9:00 am Having a stroke in your early thirties is a lifestyle altering event, let alone when you are a person who was born with the additional skills of a multi-talented sensitive. Jan...
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