by Jan Toomer | Mar 5, 2018 | Jan Toomer's Articles, News and Views from the Other Side
Spiritual Wide Web You each have a physical body and have physical experiences, which include emotional experiences. You have the internet, books, classes, groups, etc. where you are able to obtain information. So much information available to you! But remember, you...
by Jan Toomer | Feb 19, 2018 | Energy Healing, Healing, Jan Toomer's Articles
Q. Do Healers Ever Need Healing? A. Absolutely. Healers are conduits to bring additional energy down to the client. This additional energy affords the client a boost for them to heal and balance themselves. Sometimes a energy healer can heal themselves. Sometimes,...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 9, 2017 | Energy Updates, Jan Toomer's Articles
Getting to Know You Whoa, Nellie! This past full moon certainly made its presence known! – clumsiness, klutzy – feeling misaligned or catawampus – exhaustion with bouts of hyperness and/or hyper-clarity – distracted – deep sleep and...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 9, 2016 | A Day in the Life, Jan Toomer's Articles
This is a series to present a snapshot of some experiences or perceptions that I, or others, have with an ability. This does not mean everyone with that ability or in those circumstances will have similar experiences; each unique individual has their own unique...
by Jan Toomer | Nov 8, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles
There’s a lot going on – energetically, spiritually and physically. The “buzz” on the Other Side is of excitement and preparation and it has started filtering down to humans, animals and Mother Earth. Why all the hubbub? We’re growing up. Seriously. Humans –...
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