A Breather

A Breather

As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy. Can you feel it? The Forerunners Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been...
I’m Not Worthy

I’m Not Worthy

So many people on the planet Earth have this thought or feel this deep within. “I’m not worthy of success/money/happiness.” But I’m here to call, “B.S.!” This feeling or thought is nothing more than programming you accepted/received as you navigated early in this...
Demand is on the Rise

Demand is on the Rise

If you are an energy worker – healer, instructor, mentor, etc. – or offer alternative services (such as massage therapy, etc.), you may find that the demand for your services or abilities are on the rise. I am not a mental or physical health specialist, so can only...
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