by Jan Toomer | Oct 18, 2020 | Guest Writers
I am being channeled by one of my guides, Eva, part of my soul which did not reincarnate with me this time. Eva is the other half of my soul, along with Joseph who was our brother in human form. This message is not intended to be political or religious. It reflects...
by Jan Toomer | Jul 12, 2020 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
There’s a long stretch of dirt road that transitions, for me, leaving the city behind and arriving home. I was on that stretch headed home. I get to see a lot of interesting things on my drive: sometimes an Oryx can be seen; cows crossing; the spastic movements of...
by Jan Toomer | May 31, 2020 | Energy Updates, Jan Toomer's Articles
~ Back To Work ~ I know many people go back to their jobs on Monday, but that’s not what we’re discussing today. It’s back to work on self. Astrologists have already put out information about the planets Pluto (until Oct. 4th), Venus (until end of June), Jupiter...
by Jan Toomer | Jan 12, 2020 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Energy is everything and everything is energy. One should understand a bit about this to explore “energy” as how the word is used here metaphysically or spiritually in an energetic sense. Simplified, everything on Earth is a physical manifestation of energy. It’s...
by Jan Toomer | Sep 8, 2019 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Labels are tricky things. They help us communicate and provide an approximation of what we’re talking about with another person or people. Why do I say approximation? Because we each, individually, take labels first as the broad generally accepted definition and then...
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