Let the Truth Be Shown

A large number of people are beginning to feel this most recent shift. A change is in the air. We have made some large strides towards: Let the truth be known Let the truth be shown Globally; locally and individually. So much is coming to light. Bold face lies and...

Ascending is Individualized

How can we, humans, and Mother Earth raise our frequencies to get to the fifth dimension when we still appear to be involved with an environment that has anger, manipulation, killing, etc.? Earth is, and has been, the “school of hard knocks”. Earth has been one of the...

What’s So Special About You?

Seriously. Just another cog in a massive machine. A number who goes through the motions. Working. Getting paid. Paying bills. Back to working. One of how many billions in this world…a mere drop in the bucket. A plain old Jane or Joe. Right? No. Oh so wrong. There is...
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