Energy Alert – January 16, 2014

The full moon was last night. Although this one was called a Mini-Moon (the smallest full moon) –  it packed quite a punch while bringing the newest energies in. Many felt the energy shift begin early yesterday – a feeling of being a bit “off”;...

Higher Frequency Beings

“Today is the day of absorbing. Today is the day you’ve worked so hard to move forward. Today is the day of re-birth; stepping forward and claiming your soul’s  true purpose.” Team Although we will continue to purge and clean (remember, we are purging heavier energies...

Stay Out of Fear Mode

Mercury Retrograde ended, which means we can begin to move forward again – though some messes may need to be cleaned up from the Mercury Retrograde energies. Some people may feel: Like they woke up Left the fog or molasses They are being propelled forward, possibly so...

The Time of the Lizard

by Jan Toomer Lizard has been showing up repeatedly over the last two weeks. Granted, it is the season for lizards – but is it the time of the Lizards? I believe so. Looking up animal totems, Lizard’s main messages are: Listen to yourself Pay attention to subtle...
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