Bucket O’Fear

Bucket O’Fear

Misinformation. Lies mixed in with partial truths mixed in with truths. I feel that they’re lying, or, They aren’t telling us all of it, your inner voice whispers to you. It’s no wonder many turn a blind eye to what’s going on. When we were growing up we were taught...
Psychic Attacks

Psychic Attacks

Not every disturbance is a psychic attack during sleep time, though they to do occur. Hypnagogic (going to sleep) or hynopompic (waking up) hallucinations can occur, in essence, in dream time. Sleep paralysis. The standard thought on this is the process where our...


Some people get upset talking about politics of any kind as well as religious or other beliefs. Humans will defend their beliefs sometimes loudly, angrily, or violently. Why? People want to be heard, and some people crave external validation. Some feel they have to be...
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