

Violet Flame of Transmutation Many energy workers had learned about the Violet Flame of Transmutation; sometimes called “sacred fire of transformation” or “violet flame of transformation”. The Violet Flame of Transmutation is said to be brought to us by St. Germain....
Words Have Power

Words Have Power

What do politicians, sales people, advertisers, and yes even the clergy (and more) have in common? Words have power and they know it! Now, I’m not a scientist or behaviorist; I can, however, share my interpretations on energy patterns and energy manipulation....
The Next Step

The Next Step

We’ve been manifesting for our individual realities for quite a while – some even doing so consciously. This is the next step – to manifest consciously as we go along. If you’re having troubles with this concept, one way to look at it is…there is no...
Dark Side of Self

Dark Side of Self

Why have I been writing so much about abuse, civil and human rights, narcissism and self doubt? Because we are working on healing and releasing the past, both for ourselves and Earth. Not only are we supposed to be working on that, but we are also working on bringing...
Perfection Theme

Perfection Theme

Themes, for me, are when two or more people bring up the same topic in a short time – usually within a week. That is when I get the nudge to share it here. The one that came over the last two weeks is the theme of perfection. Perfection Theme We are often very quick...
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