What is My Soul’s Purpose?

(Continuation from Odd Energy Lately) Feeling stuck or stagnated Driven to find soul’s purpose for this lifetime These two concerns may be linked. So many of us asked ourselves, or asked others, “What is my soul purpose?”, “Why am I here?”, or “I know I’m here for...


(The following was the opening introduction topic to A Lightworker’s Gathering held on April 24, 2014. This is only the introduction topic. The resulting discussions, and additional topics, are not presented here.) Remember, I am sharing my experiences, beliefs and...

New Boundaries to Set

For the past two weeks I have received phone calls, emails and texts about experiences amping up with ghost sightings as well as seeing “uckies” (demons, man-made golems – aka shadow beings), attachments and other-world beings. On the surface it may appear that the...

Paranormal State by Ryan Buell

Paranormal State by Ryan Buell and Stefan Petrucha. © 2010. HarperCollins (A&E Television Networks LLC). ISBN 978-0-06-176794-4. Ryan Buell of the popular A&E television show “Paranormal State” discusses some of the cases that he and his paranormal...
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