Can you feel it? An opening. A hint. A glimpse. An uplifting. A lightening. But some are feeling or experiencing anger, fear, frustration and/or anxiety. First, please make sure you’re shielded. It doesn’t make others’ emotions go away, but it can help you to not...
As a lot of us are working to find our balance once again, I too am exploring, resting, and “tasting” to see what flavors I want in my life and how to present beneficial articles. Rest assured, most – if not all – will continue to be metaphysical, spiritual and/or...
Why have I been writing so much about abuse, civil and human rights, narcissism and self doubt? Because we are working on healing and releasing the past, both for ourselves and Earth. Not only are we supposed to be working on that, but we are also working on bringing...
~ Energy Drunk & Mercury Retrograde ~ We’ve so much going on in our physical reality – personally, locally, continent-wise, and the globe. And there’s so much going on energetically. To help us, we’ve been gifted massive amounts of energy coming...
~ Of Investigating A Haunted Building ~ The decaying shell of the building shares its memories in my mind, while the breeze whispers the hopes, dreams, fears and torments of bygone times. The echoes of the past beg to be acknowledged whilst the forgotten shades – some...
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