The Spokesman

As many of you know I work closely with my team (guides) and have a gatekeeper in place to filter beings who want to communicate with me, work with me, send messages through me, etc. (aka channeling). I was pleasantly surprised when my gatekeeper had previously...

Morgellons Energy Signature

(I am not a doctor or scientist; I am only writing my interpretation of the energy signatures and patterns. The information contained here on this disease is not all inclusive. Caution: this may be unsettling to some people – may be verbally graphic.) Morgellons...

Conspiracy Theory

I was doing some research recently which involved delving into some heavier (energy-wise) topics and some of the topics were on conspiracy theories. I am not saying that all conspiracy theories are nonsense; that would be naïve and unrealistic. I believe every story...

The Buck Stops Here

I watched a video of teenaged bullying recently. It turned my stomach. Some people are killing themselves because they feel they are alone and/or worthless; no one stood up for them. Bullying and intimidation in any form, at any age, is not okay. Schools,...
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