A Breather

A Breather

As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy. Can you feel it? The Forerunners Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been...
Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2023

Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2023

2023! I’m constantly amazed at how fast a year goes by — and here we are in 2023. I wish a peaceful and loving year for you and yours. And I hope these newsletters inspire and perhaps aid you on your journey. These newsletters are a mixed bag of...
What Is Wrong With Me?

What Is Wrong With Me?

This is a question I have heard a lot these last three weeks or so. If you’ve no medical issues (see your Dr. for that) or mental health issues (see a therapist with this) – then I’m pretty confident that answer is “Nothing. Nothing is wrong with you.” Can’t...
Merging of Time Lines

Merging of Time Lines

We’ve touched on, over the years, about being able to start tapping into one’s own past and future lifetime’s abilities. Let’s take a bit closer look at that. Because of where we are now (energetically and/or spiritually), we are experiencing the energetic merging of...
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