Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2016

A mixed bag of metaphysical, spiritual and of-interest articles. Perhaps also some poetry, prose and events. Oh, and a few photos thrown in the mix! These newsletters contain more than what is posted on the blog – Hope you enjoy! December 2016 November 2016 October...

Something to Get Excited About

There’s a lot going on – energetically, spiritually and physically. The “buzz” on the Other Side is of excitement and preparation and it has started filtering down to humans, animals and Mother Earth. Why all the hubbub? We’re growing up. Seriously. Humans –...

Cloning. War of the Souls?

A few years ago, I wrote about transplanting organs (Recycling Parts and Pieces) and the possible energy and cellular memory ramifications. Now I’d like to take a look at cloning. Again, I do not have any definitive answers. I am merely offering my thoughts and...
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