by Jan Toomer | Nov 25, 2013 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Once again I am being asked to write about Acceptance and Allowing. I touched on these briefly, but now offer a closer look. Some people entered/went through a period of time where heavier energies chaffed them – such as not having patience with some negative...
by Jan Toomer | Sep 2, 2013 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We have been working hard to keep up with the wave after wave of energy shifts, downloads and purgings…so much has been going on that after Aug. 25th, some people hadn’t realized that something happened…or better yet – something is happening. Some experienced it in...
by Jan Toomer | Jul 15, 2013 | Jan Toomer's Articles
Some people are once again finding themselves alone; friends pulling away or moving away; or some of you are pulling away from your own friends. A lot of lightworkers/energy workers see this pattern again and again in their lives. It’s okay. Well, not really – it kind...
by Jan Toomer | Apr 22, 2013 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We are an adaptive species (I am not talking about consuming GMO’s, radiation contaminated foods, and the assorted unhealthy creations) – so, let’s talk Changes 101. We have, once again, entered another energy shift (which has me a bit hyper today) and we all know...
by Jan Toomer | Dec 2, 2011 | Newsletters - Free
2010 Archived Reality Undefined Newsletters Metaphysical, spiritual and of-interest articles, poetry, prose, events. Please make sure your Adobe Reader is updated to read these pdf’s. If you don’t have it, Adobe Reader ( is free to...
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