The Ghosts on 87th Lane by M. L. Woelm. © 2007, Llewellyn Publications. ISBN 978-0-7387-1031-0.

Woelm begins her story in 1968 and continues it to 2006. Her journaling is centered on moving into a haunted house in 1968.

Poltergeist activity; scratching noises; bangings; foot steps; shadow people; feeling presences, and more – Woelm shares her battles with her fears, exhaustion and stress, brought on by the unrelenting spirits.

Readers may also pick up Woelm’s subtle form of self-growth through the years of experiences.

Early on in the book, Woelm lets the readers know that she had no support from her non-believing husband. I was a bit frustrated that her writings about her husband’s non-beliefs and lack of support became bitter and sometimes snappy writing. Although I understand not having the support, I feel that this aspect was overdone – this reader grasped that concept in the beginning of the book.

This book is recommended for beginners or those, like me, who were just curious about her experiences.

Review by Jan Toomer



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