I’m sure we’ve all felt it…the undercurrents of uncertainty. Fear of not knowing what’s coming in these uncertain times. And the undercurrent is growing.

What does this mean for us? It means humans who are plugged into the drama and are saturated with the fear will feel it growing within and respond accordingly to that fear while feeding any of the overall global uncertainty and fear energy.

Humans who are working to stay disconnected from the fear and drama energy may sense it pushing against their energy field, reminding them to not invite the fear or drama in.

Don’t Feed the Fear

My team of guides has addressed fear over the years (some of those articles are listed below). Why so many articles on fear? To guide us to see it and release it. Nope, a lot of us have not fully mastered that, so the teams have reiterated that we need to release fear. Our fears are an anchor holding us in the 3D energy. The fear energy and the undercurrents of uncertainty really needs to be released.

I understand the human self is uncomfortable now-a-days, and I have my moments as well. We can easily get drawn into the fear (which is us giving our power and energy over to someone else), allowing it to creep in.

What we sometimes forget – or for some, perhaps they didn’t even remember it at all – is that we are all a SOUL first and foremost. Our soul knows the bigger picture that we may not be seeing right now. And there’s the whole thing of trusting self – including our soul – when we’ve been so bombarded through out our life with being taught to not listen to or trust self.

We need to have faith in our soul – the part of us not restricted by the physical – and know our soul has everything under control.

If you stay in the drama and fear, are you making more difficult on yourself? Yep. Are you making it more difficult for your soul to do, and learn, what you came here to accomplish and learn? Hmm. Something to think about…


Stand Tall in One’s Truth


If Your Answer Gives You Pause

Pushes Our Buttons

Chasing Shadows & Rainbows

Drama Royalty Reigns?

Bucket O’Fear

It’s All Under Control

Hold the Light

by Jan Toomer


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