We’ve spent a lot of time and energy focusing and acknowledging the negativity near and around us, but what about joy?

There is so much love, light, joy, beauty and more positive in our lives, so we should probably spend the majority, if not all of our time recognizing the positive. I’m not talking about putting blinders on and pretending that everything is peachy. I’m talking about highlighting the positive; sending our energy to reinforcing the positive.

Many of us are quick to moan, gripe or complain about anyone or any situation that has treated us – as we see it – poorly or wronged us. But not a lot of people are quick to reinforce the positive. We’ll quickly demand the manager to complain about one of their workers, but what about the workers who go above and beyond in their interaction with us or others?

I make sure I’m quick to acknowledge them – and/or contact the manager to let them know that the worker treated me well.

It can’t – or shouldn’t – be all about the bad.

I recently sent an email that said at the beginning, “As a person, I don’t like you.” I wanted that to be very clear to the recipient. Maybe that sounds cold, but I drew my boundary lines. I didn’t, and don’t, want the person in my life.

I then went on to acknowledge, appreciate and thank the person for the Light work they have done and are doing.

Just because I personally didn’t like them didn’t mean I would ignore the positive work I’ve seen and felt. And sometimes, someone needs to hear that their work is noticed, acknowledged and/or appreciated.

Not Feeling It?

I’m pretty sure someone at this point has grumbled or thought, “There is no positive in my life.”

I challenge you. Borrowing a line from one of my favorite movies, Independence Day, “…You’ve got your health.” If you’re feeling there’s no positive, I ask you to seek out the smallest, teeniest positive thing you can, and express gratitude for that, or at least acknowledge it.

“I’m grateful for….

– beautiful sunny day.
– it raining.
– a butterfly landing nearby.
– a comfy bed at night.
– a hawk soaring above.
– a baby’s laughter.
– a partner’s tender kiss.
– a warm smile shared.
– comfortable shoes.”

With persistence, your glimpses of the positivity or beauty of life can expand. In other words, once you’re open to finding or seeing the positive, it can fill more of your life.

We’ve had this opportunity, and the time, to spend more time with family (pets included). Quality time.

For those who don’t have family at home, you’ve had quality time with self, which is also important.

Look for the positive in your life. No, it won’t negate the negativity in our world, but it may bring more light, brevity, joy, and more into your life and with it perhaps a balance.


It’s All Under Control

Energy Update – July 4, 2020

Next week: Stolen and Taken Into the Darkness

By Jan Toomer


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