We are still in the time of clearing up the past. Many have done hard work in healing and releasing their personal past – but we still have work to do on healing our bloodline, our ancestry, our lineage. How can I be so sure? Reading and watching social media and local newspapers.

One of our multitude of jobs we accepted for being in this time, in this lifetime, is to heal and clear our own family bloodline and ancestry. No more perpetuating the trauma energies.

Don’t get me wrong. The atrocities of man against man were and are horrific, and should not be forgotten. But neither should they be stoked and kept afire.

The troubled energies from those abused, terrorized, tortured and killed, since the beginning of third dimensional living as humans, is crying out to be healed.

The being who may still be trapped in the lower energy of anger, anguish and hatred, unable to cross over because of their pain from their lives and their deaths that are unanswered for, are what we are supposed to heal and release…for them and the generations that followed.

They need healing.

They need release.

And as we are the ones who agreed to come to Earth at this time to help them heal and help them move on…well, we need to get on with it.

What has happened is a lot of people are getting mired down in the anguish, hate, anger, and feelings of retribution or revenge for the ancestors. Now the past and the present are stuck. That doesn’t help them or us.

Again, I’m not saying any of it should be forgotten. We forget, we repeat. We don’t heal and release it, all of it, we repeat it. And this is what’s showing up today.

Please, it’s time to quit fighting amongst our own. I don’t mean our own as in our own skin color, religious beliefs, sexual orientations, gender identifications, etc. I mean

Human Beings

…of which we all are.

Please heal and release the past, both yours and your lineage.


You do not need to know the names, dates, etc. of your ancestors. Your blood and your energy has the necessary information, and your intentions for healing will carry it through.

There are so many possible methods, and you should use one that works for you. Here are some suggestions:

Utilize your belief system to heal and release the ancestral or bloodline traumas.

Meditation and/or Visualizations

You could use a meditation or visualization of seeing white light going through you, back to all of your ancestors, stating that all of the anchors, traumas, blocks, and curses (etc.) of your bloodline (ancestors, lineage) be cleared, healed and released.

Or you could use the Violet Flame of Transmutation instead of white light, or even in addition to the white light.

Another visualization would be to direct any anchors, trauma, pain, blocks, curses (etc.) be released from you and your family line, lineage, and bloodline and ask that everyone be cleared and healed.

And stop perpetuating the traumas and separation today. By healing our ancestor, lineage, and/or bloodline, we are freed from the victim and trauma energy and roles now so that we all can move forward, as the Human Race, and begin a new and wondrous journey together.

What can we accomplish together? We’ll not know until we heal and release the past.

By Jan Toomer


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