Our souls crave to express themselves in a positive way while we navigate our Earth life journey.*

What is My Life’s Purpose?

This is a question many of us may ask in some form. This can be in the form of asking it directly; or seeking and searching for…something more. Another form could be flitting from job to job.

What are you supposed to be doing? What is your life’s purpose or your soul plan?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, though there are some one-size-fits-all baselines for us.

  • Experience being a human, which includes tactile experiences, emotions, relationships, etc.
  • To learn. From learning drama, duality, etc. and deciding if you want those in your life, to finding the silver lining (or the good) from situations and circumstances you encounter on your journey.
  • Without being a doormat (learn and enforce boundaries), express compassion and love towards self and others.


Believe it or not, most of us are working on our soul plan or life’s purpose behind the scenes everyday. How? By being yourself. I know, it sounds a little too easy, but it’s true.

There is NO ONE like you. Any where. You are unique. Sure, you’ve some similarities with others, but you are the only you. You are the only one with your thoughts and your life reactions to your experiences.

This is important…you are needed on Earth. Because we are each unique, we each bring unique perspectives and unique energies to one another that are very much needed here on Earth. How? Again, by being you.

And then there’s passion. What is your passion? What positive or constructive action or activity makes your soul or heart sing? What elevates you? Brings you beyond time and space? When you’re involved in working your passion, time and surroundings seem to disappear. Some examples may be: healing, charity work, art work, writing, teaching, etc.

Your passion may be your daytime job, your after hours hobby or an activity that you’re really excited about.

Perhaps you are already expressing your passion and haven’t ever thought of it that way. Are you? If not, what is your passion?

* Aside from mental health issues or substance abuse. Please seek professional assistance for these.

By Jan Toomer


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