A rainbow colored circular round matrix in and around a side profile of a human face, showing the connections within the human face indicative of the human capability to direct it's own reality algorithmFirst, I have been absent in the article arena for a bit. It has been an unusual year so far.

I also would like to offer my condolences to those who have lost their homes and loved one in floods and fire this year.

Unfortunately, I do not think any of these “natural disasters” were natural; rather, I feel they have had humans creating and magnifying certain events. Yes, we have the technology.

Why Have I Been Absent?

There are a few reasons as to why I have been absent in writing articles. I will share a few before I move on in this article. One reason is that I was raised, “If you have nothing nice to say, keep your mouth shut.”

I’ve been aggravated with Google who keep changing their algorithm and is demanding more and more within their parameters, and to meet their parameters – or they, as they informed me, won’t make my content available in their search engine (meaning you can search for my articles and won’t find anything).

My dear friend and brother told me to just write my articles. He reminded me that those who are supposed to find it will; and those who do find it can share to spread it further.

So here we are.

Another Reason

It seems to me (generalized) that the procedures of babbling nonsensical rhetoric thrown to the masses are meant to baffle and confuse many (and seems to do a fine job) about reality has caused common sense and researching for self to go flying out the proverbial window.

Also, that the debauchery and heavy negative behaviors that are being shown (again, generally speaking), some people think that these behaviors are “normal” and/or “okay”, and I don’t feel they are either of those.

So there you have it.

You may be feeling as annoyed as I, and ask, “What can we do about it?”

Why Don’t We Change Our Reality Algorithm?

Algorithm’s magnify and expand on where your attention or interests lie, and the program sends more of that to you. Sound familiar?

What if you took control, paid attention to where your mind, attention, energy and/or focus are? What if you changed your reality algorithm?


Working with my Higher Self and Team, I was advised to “unrealize” that which is not in harmony with me; that which is not for my highest and best. And I tell you – it seems like it’s a game changer for me – though I am still a work in progress.

Energy Update

During the last few months (years is more accurate), we’ve all been adjusting to a lot of downloads of energy. But did you know that we have also been experiencing frequencies that are working to block us from our connection to not only our Teams and Higher Self, but also to Source?

This may have presented and/or presents itself as feeling disconnected – from self, from our teams and from Source and/or Light.

If this is what you’re experiencing, I can recommend something along the lines of what I started doing. Please remember that the Universe/energy is compelled to support where your thoughts, intent and energy go – for better or worse.

Each morning (for my human peace-of-mind), I declare my intent; “Nothing has my permission to interfere with my connection to my Higher Self, Teams and Source.”

The first time I did this – I felt a warm expansion pushing away any interfering frequencies or energies. My connection has returned without interference.

So as we move forward, we are requested to unrealize what we no longer want in our reality and to hold our thoughts, attention, energy, etc. on what we DO want.


Words Have Power

Leaving Ordinary Behind

The Next Step

Chasing Shadows & Rainbows

Working the New Energy

By Jan Toomer


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