By Peter Perkins

I started asking the angels – now that I know they are there – to impart me with a bit of wisdom while I sleep – in dreams and to remember those dreams. I want to share some of the Wisdom I have received and some odd incidents as well. These were received over a period of four days.

They (Angels) Are There To Lead Us Home

I feel that this isn’t just meaning after death they are waiting to take one to heaven, but that it means they are waiting to lead us to greater knowledge and union.

Enjoy Life’s Bonuses

That morning I went shopping with someone who said she thought her guardian angel was working overtime.

I thought she was joking about her driving or something and I said, “All our guardian angels are working overtime.”

Then she turned to me and said, “You know we’re supposed to hear the angels but we can’t because of all the noise all around us, all the time.”

I have to say, this out of the blue conversation which lined up perfectly with what I am doing was coincidence or verification or something. It was certainly one of life’s bonuses for me to enjoy.

Quiet Your Mind and Allow

Create with Music

I was unclear on this one as I am not particularly musically inclined so I asked for a clarification; I was told write songs to help define goals; a type of affirmation practice.

We Walk Upon Dual Worlds Every Time We Make a Decision

So after waking up I turned on the radio and asked to here a song with angels in it, so I would know and have some type of verification. One song – nothing; second song – nothing. Then it switched to sports. Just as I was getting bummed, they started talking about the Angels baseball team.

Thank you for verification and a sense of humor guys!

Warmth Comes From the Heart Not the Hand

This one is cryptic and I am trying to put it into terms that help describe what I think they meant.  We can take all kinds of actions and be very busy doing this or doing that. Maybe even working for charities or otherwise keeping busy. Still the work has to come from within from a true desire, a passion for it to have meaning instead of being a rote act. At least this is how I have interpreted it.

Wisdom Comes to Ones Who Wait

I must admit this must have come to me because I am so enthusiastic about receiving wisdom and am pushing, pushing and pushing. This was a reminder to me to be patient. I have an impatience problem.

Blind Faith Gets in the Way of Creating a More Beautiful World Together

Wow, it is not just referring to religion. It is referring to politics; deeply held beliefs that don’t come from the heart; a feeling of disconnection with others; a need to separate and form groups of people that oppose other people, just to feel different and independent. It could be personal beliefs which no longer serve us, or family beliefs that don’t apply to our lives anymore. My feeling is if we can get past these things, these limiting beliefs, then a truly beautiful world could be made.

Now, I am fairly war-hawkish and politically savvy. I hold beliefs that peace can be maintained through superior firepower, I will admit these are all faults (Blind Faiths) I have. There are many others, but I have a few. I am trying to break down the walls of these limiting beliefs. I don’t think they serve me anymore and I don’t think they serve the world anymore. They are hard to let go of, but I think that’s why I received this particular wisdom.

Harm No One

Yes this one is common and common sense. It came to me though, in connection with the above bit of wisdom. Blind Faith harms those who practice that blind faith. It limits them and limits the beauty of the world.

I have never really been a peace and love and harmony type person. I have held views of dislike for those kinds of people; seeing them as unrealistic, not living in the real world where people die; where you need to protect your ideals and not just roll over to whatever comes along.

My views are changing, while I can still get worked up about politics, or the wars America finds itself in. I am finding that sharp edge softening. I don’t really know how to feel about it all, but hating or anger only serves to bring more.

The whole world works on the law of attraction, not just individuals. War breeds more war; hatred more hatred; violence more violence. It’s time for a change; it’s time for peace, harmony, and co-operation.

I also asked the name of the Angel helping me. I asked if I could share his name not wanting to just tell people without permission. He said it was fine that I may. His name is David.

Your Friend,


Thank you Peter!

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