~ About Shielding ~

Q. Why do you teach people to shield? Isn’t that promoting fear?

A. There are two things I wish everyone knows how to do.

1. Learn at least Reiki 1 (doing Reiki for self).

2. Learn how to shield.

When I share something about shielding in my articles or when I teach someone how to shield, I see it as an important first step in re-empowering self. The shielding technique I share is multi-purposed.

1. Re-empowering self by not only taking responsibility for self, but empowering self with a technique that affords self more control over one’s own energy field. And one’s energy field can and will affect the physical.

2. The technique I offer aids one in energetically centering and balancing self.

3. In today’s world, fear is fed to the masses daily. As children growing up, we all took the fear because our programming was, and is designed so we’ll accept it. Fear of punishment, fear of authoritative figures, fear of rejection, etc. So fear is usually already present before I even meet someone. No, I don’t feel I’m promoting fear. To me, shielding techniques, again, are to energetically aid in self-empowerment; to take back control; and hopefully to begin energetically releasing one’s fears.

4. A lot of people, when they first come to me, are not only in fear-mode, but oftentimes are in the victim energy mode. Again, our societal programming encourages us to be in fear, including seeing ourselves at the mercy and whims of another or of circumstances….AKA victim mode energy. That is not to say that someone may have been a physical victim, but the victim mode energy can be present even if there was no physical event. To me, shielding can be a first step in energetically taking back some of the control of self; the first steps in releasing the victim mode energy.

5. Many who contact me are empaths; they are sponges that absorb others’ emotions and/or energy and feel them as though they were their own. Shielding aids in removing others’ emotions from the energy field and then puts a buffer (shield) between one’s own energy and emotions and others’ energy and emotions. It will not stop the empath from energetically sensing others’ emotions, but it aids in keeping the empath from energetically taking others’ energies and emotions into themselves.

6. Shielding can be a beginning step to re-build confidence and trust in self. We are raised to listen and follow others; to not listen or trust ourselves. For shielding to work, the one shielding HAS TO BELIEVE it will work. If one doubts their shield, they drop their shield. – It’s kind of like learning how to ride a bike. You have to think about every step of the process and practice over and over. But eventually it becomes second nature and you just jump on the bike and – no longer have to think about each step in the process of how to ride a bike. You’ve gained confidence in you and in the process, and you’ve reached a point where you KNOW, deep down inside, the process. – Same with shielding. Once you KNOW, deep within, that the energetic shield is doing what you want it to do, then the shield is able to do what you intended. Your belief is what makes it so.

Q. I feel blessed and protected already and don’t feel I need to do this technique.

A. Great! Your knowing and beliefs are mighty powerful, and that in itself is a shield. Whether it is faith, a knowing deep within your being or soul, etc., that is what creates that reality. So, kudos to you!

If you have the innate ability, then perhaps there’s no reason to do a shielding technique.

If you’re in doubt about whether or not you have the innate ability or faith that you’re always protected, then perhaps you may want to give the technique a go.

Q. Is shielding something I have to do every day or several times a day?

A. I recommend when you are just beginning, to practice shielding at least three times a day for practice at first. I usually recommend – to keep it simple – doing it around breakfast, lunch and dinner times since those are our regularly scheduled times for meals.

Remember, when in doubt, you drop the shield and will need to re-do it. It is your belief, your knowing, that powers and maintains the shield and gives it permission to be.

As time progresses, like the bike riding example, you may not need to follow the steps to accomplish it. And, when in your spiritual development you reach the understanding or knowing that YOU ARE THE LIGHT, the process or steps may no longer be needed.

Q. Does shielding go against my religious beliefs?

A. I am not you; I am not living your life, so I can’t answer that for you. To me, the white Light is blessings from our Creator; the Light of the Source.

For those who are Christians, you may find versions of shielding called G-d’s Armor or Light Armor. You are welcome to look up the following and see if that helps you decide:

  • 1 Thessalonians 5:8
  • Ephesians 6:10-20
  • Isaiah 59:17
  • Isaiah 11:5
  • Romans 13:12

You will have to decide if it fit with your religious beliefs or not.

Thank you for your questions. While I cannot personally respond to each individual question, if you have a generalized question, please feel free to use the Contact form to email it to me and I may put it on a future Your Meta-Question.


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Shielding Technique

By Jan Toomer


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