Q. You often refer to your “team” or our “teams”. What is our team? Who decides who is on our team?

A. Our team is our guides for this lifetime.

Our life guides (the ones who stay with us during this lifetime) are hand-picked – by us (each individual) – prior to starting this lifetime.

Those guides-to-be that you chose, and they accepted, will go do a type of school to learn to be a guide, which will include how to lower their vibration to help them interact in the dimension we physically live in.

Some deceased relatives may also join your team, becoming one of your guides. I have found this to happen if/when you have had a good relationship with that relative.

You will also have “specialty” guides who will come in to aid you through a specific experience and then will move on (not stay with you). One example may be: you lost a loved one. A specialty guide may come in to aid you through the grieving process, and when you are on your way to healing, they will move on to aid another.

Please know that we each have free will. You can ignore your guides if you choose.

We each also have animal guides (aka animal totems). We have at least one life animal guide who stays with us during this lifetime.

We also have messenger animal guides who can act as specialty guides. One way they aid and carry messages to you is to cross your path.

Example: You may come across an animal that you don’t normally see. When this happens, you pay attention.

Another way if for the same type animal showing themselves to you repeatedly.

You can look up (books or online) the animal totem to figure out the message. You can type (example) “butterfly totem”. Some part of the material provided will probably resonate or “speak” to you.

Now there are some people who have no defined life animal totem…they have a lot. I find this with some animal communicators and animal healers; they often come into this lifetime with many animal guides around them.

Q. I have “seen”, “knew”, or “felt” my guides, but recently I don’t. Have they left? Have I done something wrong?

A. Your life guides are with you for this lifetime. Period. Just because you can’t see/feel your guides does not mean they left. There could be a number of reasons why you aren’t aware of them – the two most common are below.

If you have physical pain, or are under stress, your focus is mainly on the physical and not the spiritual until the crisis is over. Once the incident is resolved/healed, and you once again can focus elsewhere, their presence usually gently becomes apparent again. They weren’t gone, you were just distracted elsewhere.

Another reason may be that, in essence, they have become accepted as part of your energy.

Here is an example: You just bought a new pair of shoes. You are very much aware of them when you put them on your feet. Your feet need to become accustomed to them. Your vision catches glimpses of them as you walk, or cross your ankles or legs. You notice how they feel as they strike the floor with each step. You pay attention to see how comfortable they are, or if there are some sore points. You weigh whether or not these are occasional or short term shoes, or if they are comfortable enough for daily, work use.

Let’s say you decided on daily/work use. After a while, you adjusted and became accustomed to them. You are no longer aware of them, except as an extension of you or your feet. You no longer pay attention to them while you wear them.

When we have adjusted to our awareness of our guides, they can become an energetic extension of self. You are no longer constantly consciously aware of them unless you center and focus your attention and awareness (perhaps meditation) to work with them, or to ask questions, etc.

Specialty Guides

We do have specialty guides that come in to help us with a specific life lesson or experience. These guides will leave after that experience is over.

But, please remember, your life guides are in it for the long haul. They will not leave you.

by Jan Toomer


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